Team LSRF rides the Race around Rwanda, an ultra endurance bike-packing race on red African gravel. Will Laurens, Thomas and Stefan succeed? With a distance of 1000 kilometers, anything can happen. And it did.
Cycling is a sport that demands a consistent level of bike maintenance. But there’s bike cleaning and there’s BIKE CLEANING. What are the things that need to be done? And are you Stefan Bolt, Laurens ten Dam or Niki Terpstra?
The velodrome of Alkmaar is on the verge of falling and as a last resort, former pro-cyclists Honig, Terpstra and ten Dam are trying to save it by recreating the good old days of training and racing. Will they succeed in keeping the velodrome?
Wintertime is de perfect time to slow down a bit. The days are still short, the temperatures still uninviting and all the festivities of December are long past us.Here are six cycling books the LSRF team is currently reading, in Dutch and English.
New year, same motto. It is time to announce the 2025 program for racing, riding and recording for the Live Slow Ride Fast team.
When you see the cross cyclists flying through the fields these days, you would think it is all based on pure talent. But also talent needs to be trained.
What better way to enjoy these last few days of 2024, than by watching a few LSRF cycling documentaries? So we have made a selection of our favorite productions so far.
The rain check edition of 2024 was a great succes. The perfect weather - a nice steady strong wind blowing and no rain- made this year's cycling event just fun to attend.
This year, LSRF cycling clothing is stepping up the jersey game for real. Following up on the choice of new fabrics in spring, the new line for fall and winter includes two new styles of long sleeved jerseys.
The launch of a new cycling collection can be celebrated in many ways. But what better way to do it than by hosting a social ride? We found new cycling grounds in Zwolle and filled up our Bomba's.
Laurens ten Dam now has five years of experience with his kids doing bike-pack trips. He can safely say he did the best trip he has ever done late October 2024. He used his lessons from those earlier trips in order to make this trip one to remember.
A wise man once told me: ”A plan is not the goal itself - but without a plan, it's not going to work out anyway.”
Infinite horizons, roaring waves, the wind playing with the sand and the sea foam. If you are up in the north and you are lucky, you can spot seals too. Taking your bike to the Dutch beach can be a great experience.
Let’s say you are asked to be the national coach of the Dutch gravel cycling selection and you have all this experience in the world of gravel cycling. What do you do? You make sure the party is as big as the event itself.
Laurens ten Dam has spent most of the month of June riding as fast as he can from Banff National Park, Canada to Antilope Wells, New Mexico, USA. It took him 15 days and 6 minutes and finished third. Six months later, he is ready to reflect properly on this event.
On August 4 2024, the Unofficial RAD RACE Fixed Gear World Championship 2024 was held in Berlin, Germany. Eamon Lucas (USA) and Michelle de Graaf (NL) won the titles of Fastest Boy and Girl Alive and tell us what's so fun about fixed gear cycling.
Rediscover your own backyard, build your own route and push as much gravel as you want. We continue to make this the biggest gravel event in the world. And the best thing: it starts at your doorstep. REBOUND is likely to be your next cycling goal and this is why.
VILLA TOUR 2024: it's a wrap. Three weeks of daily podcasts with the latest news, predictions, analysis and inside info on the Tour de France and its participants. Merci à tous!
Sometimes, the stories that happen before a big event, are more interesting than the race itself. Laurens and Thomas will always remember this trip of what happened in Oklahoma, two weeks prior to UNBOUND.
Riding Gravel Locos is one of those things the team is looking forward to every year. It is just a vibe. For us, Dutch cowboys, it feels like a complete western film set, but it is very much real and we are loving every minute.
Why is it, we call a bike ride from A to B an adventure, and a bike ride from A back to A, well, a bike ride? The best ideas are often the most simple ones. Especially in the beginning. It’s only when the execution of the idea starts, the troubles begin.
It has been fun riding Transcordilleras in Colombia and chasing each other on the tarmac of the Canary Islands, but let’s be honest. There is only one date in my agenda that has a red circle around it and that is UNBOUND.
On June 3rd 2023, Laurens rode UNBOUND GRAVEL, resulting in a 4th place overall. Ten hours of pushing yourself to the limit, summarized in ten sheets. If numbers are your thing, you will be thrilled
Michelle de Graaf works for and in her spare time she rides bikes. Gravel bikes, road bikes and lest, but not least: fixies. On Saturday 23rd of September 2023, she won the fixed gear cycling crit SfiDARE in Yokohama, Japan.
Erika van Tielen is an actress and hostess from Belgium and passionate about cycling, running and traveling. Whenever she gets the opportunity to pack her bags, she’ll take it. Her latest discovery? Riding the (gravel!) cycling highlights of the northeastern coast of Spain.